Tuesday, May 29, 2012


What is Movie News After Dark? Well, it ain’t like dusting crops, boy.
Our fearless leader, Neil Miller is taking the night off and has left you in my very incapable hands. And thus we spring forth to the internet to see what new bounty of cinematic gifts that unfaithful mistress doth offer up to we lowly cinephiles. Or something like that. We begin, boys and girls, with Paul Thomas Anderson.
For my money, he’s easily one of it not the very finest directors working today with apologies to Christopher Nolan. There Will Be Blood was quite frankly a masterpiece and my expectations are high for his next film, The Master. The folks over at Cigarettes and Red Vines got a nice exclusive today from the man himself, revealing a few behind the scenes photos of old fashioned negative cutting going on. Not only is this new PT Anderson film shooting on glorious celluloid but this particular negative was of the much higher quality 65mm variety. Word has it that the film will be comprised of both 35mm and 65mm elements, though the question remaining is will the distributor be willing to strike a 70mm print. Exhibition options for 70mm are scarce, but Oscilloscope Labs appears to be striking a 70mm print for Baraka follow-up Samsara. It appears the Weinstein’s are in charge of theatrical distro for The Master, hopefully they’ll have the courage to pony up for a 70mm print
We stop quickly at a brief tweet from Katy Perry. I have no opinion on the lady herself, but I have to admit her tweet to the official film Twitter account for The Dictator was pretty damn funny. I won’t spoil it, but check back after you’ve seen The Dictator. Or just Google it, I’m sure someone is willing to spoil it for those of you who hate going to see funny movies.
Moving on, our good friend Scott Weinberg at Movies.com alerts us to the presence of a Cannes teaser trailer for the upcoming remake of ManiacElijah Wood steps into the Joe Spinell role and the film is told entirely from his point of view. The teaser promises a dark, gritty film and I sincerely hope that’s what Wood and company deliver.
Speaking of Movies.com, another one of our favorite editors over there recently did a spectacular interview with Alamo head honcho Tim League.Head over there now to read up on the tough questions posed by Peter Hall and what Tim had to say about the current Summer of ’82 and how he responds to concerns on over-expansion possibly diluting the brand.
While I adore my beloved Alamo Drafthouse with all my heart and more, were I ever to find myself in LA, I would have to make time to visit the New Beverly Cinema. In many ways a kindred spirit of the Drafthouse, the New Bev makes its name with cheap double features, special guests and special events and fantastic programming. One of its many intrepid employees, Julia Marchese, has taken it upon herself to create a documentary about the New Bev and the transition from 35mm to digital. It’s an ambitious project and as such Julia has set up a Kickstarter to crowd source some funds. She’s a little over a third of the way there with only 7 days to go, so head over to Kickstarter and back a kick ass project that could use your help.
Apparently some new PC video game came out? Something about the devil cubed, I don’t know, best of luck to you if you’ve fallen down that rabbit hole.
Our own Nathan Adams talks about what might be next for Wes Anderson, whose latest film Moonrise Kingdom debuted to Cannes audiences and US film critics alike today. Garnering mostly positive reviews, it does, however, seem like his signature style is fully on display. I missed the screening today, but you can bet I’ll be there ticket in hand on opening day.
If you’re wondering where you favorite film critic is this week…well…we gave Landon Palmer they week off. But if you’re looking for most of the rest of them, they’re probably getting all sweaty and sunburned in Cannes
Sadly it’s a bit of a slow night and so I’ll close with this: if you haven’t bought tickets for the Alamo Drafthouse’s epic Rolling Roadshow screening of The Road Warrior this Friday then let me ask you…what the hell are you doing with your life?! Co-sponsored by your good friends here at FSR, this Friday’s screeninng will include such shenanigans as a THERMONUCLEAR FLAMING DEATH RACE, music by a post-apocalyptic punk band and more beer than you can shake a stick at (I’m supposing). Tickets are still available here for $15 apiece so what are you waiting for? The Lord Humungous wills it so!

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